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  • AutorenbildHans Genthe

The best Investment in Marketing: Rich content

In recent years, a paradigm shift in the communication of brands and companies has taken place: The change from sender-focused communication to user- and benefit-focused content strategies.

Don´t waste your budget - think long term

Google is very serious about improving the quality of search results. The last updates of Google's rating system have fundamentally changed the world of search engine optimization. Because search results are still being manipulated everywhere, Google is now increasingly going into manual checking of websites, content and SEO measures.

Caution: What used to be considered a guarantee for success for a high Google ranking, today quickly leads to Google's punishment.

The repetition of keywords in the content as often as possible will be punished. If the keyword density rises above 3%, there is a risk that Google will rate the website as spam and send the page into the "sandbox", which is the death sentence of any website. Social media signals are now also rated by Google roughly the same as links.

The power of content

Conclusion: Search engine optimization is out, content generation is in. This is good news for companies and brands, because it is again more important to work on the "thing" and waste less time on optimization. This means that the more interesting and valuable information is available online for customers, the better the website will be rated by Google. Relevant content is the basis for success in email, search engine and social media marketing also. To prevent e-mails from being deleted unread, they should contain relevant content. Google also rewards content with better ranking positions. And finally, nothing works without content on Facebook & Co. Content is King. Here are the most important formats for relevant content. Specialist information on your own website is the linchpin of all online marketing activities. This is where the visitor ends up in the e-mail after clicking on it.

Importance of content marketing is increasing

Around 90 percent of the marketing experts surveyed in a study are of the opinion that content marketing will gain in importance in the future. 64 percent plan to free up additional budget and not take it from other channels. These are the central results of a survey by Facit Research. The market research company of the Serviceplan Group, Munich, used an online survey to interview 60 marketing decision-makers, including marketing managers, managing directors, heads of communications and sales managers.

Around 90 percent of the marketing experts surveyed in a study believe that content marketing will become increasingly important in the future. 64 percent are planning to free up additional budget funds and not to take them from other channels. These are the central results of a survey by Facit Research. The market research company of the Serviceplan Group, Munich, used an online survey to interview 60 marketing decision-makers, including marketing managers, managing directors, heads of communications and sales managers.

Here are the most important formats:

Your own blog

In principle, a blog is nothing more than a content management system that displays the latest content at the top of the homepage. Blogs are loved by search engines and are a very practical tool to communicate interesting content on a regular basis.

Articles on other websites, blogs and specialist portals

Every opportunity to publish your own content outside your own sphere of influence should be taken. If possible, however, you should always refer to further content on your own website.  It does not always have to be a professional article. Tips, instructions or interviews are also interesting formats.

Trade journals, special publications

An article in a high-coverage magazine or newspaper should not be underestimated, even in the Internet age. It raises the author's reputation and if it succeeds in placing a download link, the success can be measured by the visitors of the landing page.

Lectures, discussion groups, conferences

The most effective way to communicate your own content is still personal contact. Use every opportunity to speak when experts meet. Here, too, you should refer to your website with further content on the topic. You can also organise a customer day, an in-house exhibition or a road show yourself.

Social media, communities

Social contacts are increasingly taking place virtually on the social web. Communicate your content systematically on the portals with the widest reach, such as Facebook, Xing, Google+ and Twitter. If you have visualizable content, also use Pinterest and Instagram. Are there professional communities in your industry? Then go there and talk to them.


The easiest way to get content out to the people is to have your own e-mail distribution list. Offer your fans the opportunity to receive relevant information conveniently via e-mail newsletter.


Besides pictures and infographics, videos are one of the most popular content formats. Whether as a technical lecture, image film or how-to instruction - videos are gladly seen and recommended.

High awareness with minimum budget: Youtube-Channel

Presentations, speeches

The PowerPoint presentation of your speech alone is again valuable content. Put it online at Slideshare and address new interested parties.

Studies, research reports

Elaborately prepared surveys are of course hard to beat in terms of value. Many consulting firms use such studies for their own advertising. Associations also commission sometimes elaborate studies, which are then handed out free of charge.

Books, eBooks

The highest form of content authorship is of course a book author sponsored by a publishing house. However, more and more authors are publishing their books themselves and on demand. And even if this seems too risky, the alternative is still the pure eBook.

Webinars, Web TV, expert chats and hangouts

In addition to technical articles and white papers, webinars have established themselves as a standard instrument of content marketing. You can either register in good time and be there live or watch or listen to the recording later. The same applies to expert chats and hangouts.

Podcast and video tutorials

While webinars are mostly experienced live, podcasts are usually professionally produced works that are made available for download as audio or video files. I myself am an enthusiastic podcast listener when I have to make long journeys by car. Video tutorials have even greater reach than audio podcasts.

Customer magazine

Anyone who sends out an elaborately produced newsletter can also consider having their own customer magazine. Corporate publishing experts or freelance journalists are available to assist you in professionally preparing contents in paper form. And if you want to save on production and shipping costs, simply send the magazine as a PDF.


It does not always have to be a study. Sometimes it is enough for experts to study a topic with dedication and publish the results as an essay. Whitepapers are usually smaller in scope than studies and the contents are prepared in a reader-friendly manner.


Visualizing figures and preparing them in an appealing graphic way is very trendy at the moment. Mostly infographics are longer wallpapers of interesting numerical graphics with explanatory pictograms.

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