When you give people something, you usually get something back. I love giving lectures, it is a pleasure to make people happy through the transfer of knowledge. 2002 I´ve started with my first presentation concerning sailing and the assets for your start-up in the chamber of commerce in Hamburg - in front of more than hundred people. I´ve got a great response despite my excitement and poor retorical performance.
Therefore I decided to offer this speech again. Over the years I had the opportunity to give the lecture several times and have improved my skills. Even today, every lecture is still a great experience and an opportunity to train, to better myself, above all I am not exactly a chatterbox. I prefer to listen and ask questions.
2011 to 2013 my company GentCom organized 3 forums on international yacht racing in Hamburg, where I participated as a speaker with a talk about sponsoring in sailing sports.
Later I started with a series of internal lectures about marketing and social media in the meeting room of my marketing consultancy GentCom. I find it´s a very useful way to prove your knowledge and to get in „real“ contact to win new customers.
Combined with a social media marketing, it´s really powerful: From 2016 to 2019 I ran an Elvstrøm sailpoint in Hamburg. With six lectures during every winter season and social media marketing I achieved a enormous increase in sales.
For personal reasons I stopped working in Hamburg/Germany 2019 and went to Dubai to take on new marketing challenges.
Now I happy to offer 6 presentations translated into English. These lectures last 1-1,5h depending on the number of questions. I´m looking forward to questions during the presentations, I like to discuss and explain. It helps to improve and learn. You are welcome to contact me if you would like me to be a speaker. My email: hg@hansgenthe.de
Trim me
Simple Sailtrim to improve your speed and comfort.
Target group: Cruiser and Racer
Trim you
Easy and safe manoeuvres for short handed sailing. Cruising and Racing.
Target group: Cruiser and Racer (based on Trim me)
Trim us
Photo show: Trends in high performance yachting
Target group: Racer (based on Trim me/Trim us)
Boat tuning
the most effective tips zu increase boatspeed and optimize handling
Target group: Cruiser and Racer
The common ways to success - a comparison Sailing and Business
Approved: Sailing helps improving your business.
Target group: Sailors in management positions
Sponsoring in sailing
Attract and retain sponsors. Strategy and evaluation.
Target group: Racer